Sunday, 11/3/19 Q: Want to know how to create a better future and enjoy life right now? A: Make this current moment awesome! 

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Q: Want to know how to create a better future and enjoy life right now? A: make this current moment awesome! We’ve all head the saying “carpe diem”, “seize the day”, but in reality all we can ever seize is this current moment. That’s all we ever have is this present moment. The past is just a collection of past moments that led to our current reality. So how do we make this current moment awesome? Be confident and be present! We can create more moments of presence by training our focus, aka mediation. We will become more confidence as we develop and trust in our ability to focus our minds where we want, when we want, for however long as we want. If you do this every day you will feel like you’re developing a super power! You will create more micro-moments of presence that you can use to achieve whatever you desire at work, on the sports field, and in the classroom. Or you can use this newly found attention on build your relationships. Watch as these moments of presence make you happier in the moment and help you create a future you can be proud of! #meditation101 #focus&breath # presence #happiness

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Q; Want to know how to create a better future and enjoy life right now? A: Make this current moment awesome!

+1: Moment to Moment to Moment

PN: Everyday Enlightenment by Dan Millman

101: Meditation 101